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Debuffs and Buffs in Cataclysm/4.0.1

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Debuffs and Buffs in Cataclysm/4.0.1 Empty Debuffs and Buffs in Cataclysm/4.0.1

Post  Baridin Tue Oct 19, 2010 4:56 pm

Right I spend some time gathering data about the various buffs/debuffs, and here's the list as I have it (if you see anything wrong or missing let me know so I can update the list)

Debuff: Attack Speed -20% -> Thunderclap, Infected Wounds, Judgments of the just, Icy Touch, Earth Shock (war/druid/pally/dk/shaman)
Debuff: Physical Damage done -10% -> Demo Shout, Demo Roar, Vindiction, Scarlet Fever, Curse of weakness (war/druid/pally/dk/warlock)
Debuff: Armor(major) -12% -> Sunder Armorx3, Faerie Firex3, Expose Armor, Acid Spid (war/druid/rogue/hunterpet)
Debuff: Cast speed -30% -> Mindnumbing Poison, Curse of Tongues (rogue,warlock)
Debuff: Physical Damage taken +4% -> Blood Frenzy, Brittle Bones, Savage Combat (war/dk/rogue)
Debuff: Bleed increase +30% -> Blood Frenzy, Mangle, Hemorrhage (arms war/feral druid/rogue)
Debuff: Spell damage taken +8% -> Ebon Plague, Earth and Moon, Curse of Elements, Master Poisoner (dk/druid/warlock/rogue)
Debuff: Spell crit taken +5% -> Winter's Chill, Critical Mass, Shadow and Flame, Improved Shadow Bolt (mage/warlock)
Debuff: Healing taken -20% -> Furious Attacks (war)
Debuff: Healing taken -25% -> Mortal Strike, Wound Poison, Widow Venom, Permafrost, Improved Mind Blast, Felguard's Legion Strike
Debuff: Movement Speed -> Infected Wounds, Chill Blains, Desecration, Wing Clip, Blade Twisting, Slow, Ice Shards, Curse of Exhaustion

Buff: Armor +9296 -> Devotion Aura, Stoneskin Totem (pally/shaman)
Buff: Stamina +1333 -> Commanding Shout, Power Word: Fortitude, Imp out (Blood Pact) (war/priest/warlock)
Buff: Str/Agi +1253 -> Battle Shout, Horn of Winter, Strength of the Earth totem (war/dk/shaman)
Buff: Stat +5% -> Blessing of Kings, Mark of the Wild (pally/druid)
Buff: Crit +5% -> Leader of the Pack, Rampage, Honor amongst Thieves, Elemental Oath (druid/War/Rogue/shaman)
Buff: AP +10% -> Blessing of Might, Abomination's Might, Trueshot Aura, Unleashed Rage (pally/dk/hunter/shaman)
Buff: Spellpower +10% -> Totemic Wrath, Demonic Pact (shaman/warlock)
Buff: Spellpower +6% -> Flame Tongue Totem, Arcane Brilliance (Shaman/mage)
Buff: Mana +753/5sec -> Blessing of might, Mana Spring Totem, Felhunter out (pally/shaman)
Buff: Mana max+4850 -> Arcane/Dalaran Brilliance, Felhunter out (mage/warlock)
Buff: Melee Speed +20% -> Judgments of the Pure, Improved Icy Talons, Hunter Party, Windfury Totem (pally/dk/hunter/shaman)
Buff: Cast Speed +6% -> Judgments of the Pure, Wrath of Air Totem, Moonkin form, Shadow form (pally/shammy/druid/priest)
Buff: Damage Done +3% -> Communion, Ferocious Inspiration, Arcane Tactics (pally/hunter/mage)
Buff: All Resistance +65 -> Blessing of Kings, Mark of the Wild (pally/druid)
Buff: Fire Resistance +130 -> Resistance Aura, Elemental Resistance totem (pally/shaman
Buff: Frost Resistance +130 -> Resistance Aura, Elemental Resistance totem (pally/shaman)
Buff: Shadow Resistance +130 -> Resistance Aura, Shadow Protection (pally/priest)
Buff: Nature Resistance +130 -> Elemental Resistance totem, Aspect of the Wild (shaman/hunter)

- Druids will be able to dispel defensive magic, curses, and poison. Druids also can remove enrage (with soothe)
- Paladins will be able to dispel defensive magic, diseases, and poison.
- Priests will be able to dispel defensive magic, offensive magic, and disease.
- Shaman will be able to dispel defensive magic, offensive magic, and curses.
- Mage can remove curses
- Hunter can remove enrage, offensive magic (with tranq shot)
- rogue can remove enrage

Burst Haste -> Heroism/Bloodlust, Time Warp (shaman/Mage)
Combat Rez -> Rebirth, Reincarnation, Soulstone (druid, shaman, warlock)
Mana Replenishment -> Innervate, Mana Tide Totem, Hymn of Hope (druid/shaman/priest)

Knight Grand Cross
Knight Grand Cross

Posts : 367
Join date : 2009-02-23

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